8 Best Jeans for Mom Pooch (Our List Will Surprise You‎) in 2024

A woman modelling a pair of jeans suitable for a mommy belly- experts' review of the best jeans for mom pooch, best plus size jeans

The truth is that you can still rock in your stylish jeans even with a postpartum momma’s pooch that refuses to go away. High waist jeans, jeans with thick waistbands, or those with elastic waists are some of the best jeans for mom pooch.

Top 10 Best White Jeans to Hide Cellulite (Amazing Results)

Unlike black and other dark-colored jeans, the brightness of white jeans accentuates any lumps and lines underneath them, such as panty lines and cellulite. However, having “un-toned” thighs should not stop you from wearing an elegant pair of white-colored jeans as seen in our review.

How to Wear a Pencil Skirt if you have a Belly {7 Key Tips}

Kim Kardashian in a pencil skirt that shows her bulging tummy. Discover how to wear a pencil skirt if you have a belly.

The thing with pencil skirts is to find one that fits you correctly and also be creative with the fabric, textures, colors, design, layering, and pairing. Next time you are shopping for a fitted skirt, here are some tips on how to wear a pencil skirt if you have a belly.