Top 9 Best Jackets for 40 Degree Weather

An expert review of what to wear in 40 degree weather, the best jackets for 40 degree weather

40˚F may be too warm to wear freezing winter clothes, but still too cold to dress for summer. The secret is to wear lighter jackets that keep you warm without making you feel too hot, sweaty, and heavy. Find out here what to wear in 40 degree weather.

30+ Tips on What to Wear to a Football Game Woman

A fashion expert's review of what to wear to a football game woman, what to wear to a football game girls, cute outfits to wear to a football match

Next time you attend a football game, take the chance to show your personality through fashion but also remember to stay comfortable. When it comes to sports fashion, there are no rigid rules. Here is what a woman can wear to a football game.

Top 9 Boots That Look Like UGGs (Better Boots at Half the Price)

An expert review of the best women's UGG look alikes, boots that look like UGGs, best UGG alternatives

UGG boots date back to the 1970s and they have remained popular since then. UGGs go for $100, $200, or more but we now have fashionable and functional ugg replicas so you can enjoy the same ugg boots style at an affordable budget and unique design.