What Shirts to Wear with Bell Bottoms (11 Adorable Women’s Shirts)

Expert assessment of what shirts to wear with bell bottoms, cute shirts to wear with bell bottoms, the women's tops to wear with flare jeans

Bell bottoms are versatile enough to give you any look or style you want. If you want a boyish look, you can pair them with a baggy graphic t-shirt. On the other hand, if you want to be more feminine, you can pair them with a flowy sheer fabric or chiffon top.

Top 9 Best Jeans for Petite Pear Shape (Amazing Results)

An expert's test and review of the best jeans for petite pear shape, best fitting jeans for petites

A petite pear shape is what you would call short, slim, and curvy. Pear-shaped women are generally curvy on the lower body around the hips but they have a small bust and narrow shoulders. In the case of a petite pear shape, you have all features of a pear body but you’re slender.